Rich Snippets, Poor Descriptions

rich-snippets-poor-descriptionsOrganisations using rich snippets on Google to enhance their search presence may be benefiting from the additional content it provides in search results including author or business profile images, review ratings or product pricing. However, there can be a negative impact of these rich content elements on your standard SEO practices that you may need to address.

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Long Term UK Domain Registrations From May 2012

UK domain registrationsHave you got a .uk (including domain registered or are you thinking of registering one.

For the first time from May 2012 Nominet will allow you to register .uk suffix domains for up to 10 years. What does this mean for existing domain registrants or those looking to register a domain in the near future.

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Why I don’t want to be top of search for internet marketing

I am regularly asked to provide advice and SEO services to clients who’s stated objective for their search marketing is to be top of the search engnes (usually Google) for a key search phrase, it’s usually a frequently searched phrase and often very competiitive.

I have to explain that this isn’t a very commercial strategy and could be a a risky approach to their internet marketing. So why is focussing on a single phrase not wise from a business perspective? Continue reading

How to: Track Google Places using Google Analytics

So now you’ve claimed your Google Places listing(s) for your business, how are you going to measure how effective your Google Places listing really is? Google does provide analytics for Google Places listings but the data is very simplistic, often unreliable, out of date or incomplete and more importantly doesn’t tell you how effective this traffic is for sales, however there is a solution.
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